

Praktik- og projektdag for diplomingeniører på Elektronik, Elektrisk energiteknologi, Softwareteknologi og Sundhedsteknologi

MedTech Workshops

Nu kan du hjælpe med at reparere medicinsk udstyr, som skal sendes til hospitaler i Tanzania. Ingeniørstuderende fra alle studieretninger er velkomne.

C++ March Meetup

Kom med, når vi sammen med Aarhus C++ User Group (AaCppUG.dk) byder velkommen til et kig på undefined behavior og lazy funktioner i C++


Tech hub and community

ORBIT is a tech hub and community for students, startups, tech companies and organizations, teachers and researchers. What connects us is our shared passion for technology. Together, we learn, explore, share ideas and get hands-on experience with digital and emerging technologies.


We attempt to combine domain knowledge and business insights with science and technology to power interdisciplinary R&D projects. AU students and staff members get access to a wide range of facilities, such as maker spaces, VR lab, media lab, workspaces and incubators for early-stage tech startup ideas.

Partners and collaborators

We have a strong network of partners and collaborators from leading tech companies, organizations, startups and scaleups who support us with knowledge, equipment and insights. Their perspectives are valuable to students and other community members who benefit from collaborating, networking and learning from people who work with ground-breaking technologies in their daily lives.

Free events

Together with our partners and collaborators, we host a number of tech and entrepreneurship-focused events, such as workshops, tech talks, hackathons, coding competitions etc. Our events are open to everyone. 


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The Orbies, winter 2019 winners

The Orbies, winter 2019 winners

ORBIT Lab gave out awards to technical and creative projects at The Orbies February 21st, ORBIT Lab gathered more than 100 students, staff and representatives from the industry for the award ceremony event The Orbies. Here, engineering students presented their...

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ORBIT Lab’s 1-year anniversary

ORBIT Lab’s 1-year anniversary

Just before the Christmas break, we celebrated ORBIT Lab’s first official year in operation. Reaching this milestone as well as starting a new year, is a great occasion to reflect on some of the things we have achieved in the past year.    Tech events and...

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Cross-platform technologies

Cross-platform technologies

Cross-platform technologies By Henrik Kirk I have spent the summer looking at some of the different cross-platform technologies currently available when developing mobile applications. So first of all, let us look at why you should consider choosing a cross-platform...

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Rune Heick

Hardware & Software Engineer


Litte Dalsgaard

Community Manager


Søren Møller Dath

Technical Lab Manager


Nichlaes Hytting Sørensen

 Software Engineer


Henrik Bitsch Kirk

Associate Professor


Søren Hansen

Associate Professor


Jakob Daell Leineweber

Lab Assistant


Founding Partners