
Tech Startup Launchpad – Pitch Night, May 2nd, 2019

Join us in ORBIT Lab, May 2nd for another round of Tech Startup Launchpad. We will kick off the event with Lasse le Dous, Partner in Playground Marketing and graduate from AU School of Engineering. We will hear Playground Marketing’s startup story and their unique approach to working with technology. Afterward, five tech startups will pitch their ideas/projects and companies and ask for feedback.


16.15: Doors open
16.30: The startup story of Playground Marketing, by Lasse le Dous
17.45: Introduction to pitching, by Mia Louise Justesen, Student Entrepreneurship Program Manager
18.00: Break
18.10: Pitches followed by snacks and networking

There will be five startups pitching. Each startup gives a three-minute pitch and receives five minutes of feedback. If you have a tech startup or an idea for a tech startup that you want to pitch on the night, please read these guidelines.


Tech Startup Launchpad is an initiative in ORBIT Lab to support the local tech startup ecosystem and student entrepreneurship by getting students and startups together to share knowledge, skills and experiences.

This will be the fourth in a series of events that focus on local war stories, pitches and networking. It is a platform where you can get inspired, learn from the experiences of others and share your own, and potentially join a startup or find co-founders for your own idea.

In ORBIT Lab, we work with entrepreneurship from a tech perspective. Our goal with Tech Startup Launchpad is to facilitate synergies between tech students and the tech startup ecosystem. The Tech Startup Launchpad events are open for anyone with an interest in the tech startup ecosystem.

For students, Tech Startup Launchpad is a chance to:

  • Get involved in the local startup ecosystem
  • Contribute with your ideas and technical expertise
  • Get inspired to develop your own startup ideas
  • Potentially join a startup

For tech startups, Tech Startup Launchpad is a chance to:

  • Get valuable feedback from students and entrepreneurs of the ORBIT Lab Community
  • Potentially onboard new talent and skills
  • Network with techy students and other tech startups
  • Refine your pitching skills

If you want to submit a request to pitch your startup, please read the guidelines.



This event is open for students and local tech startups and others with an interest in the local tech startup scene.


This event will be in English.


ORBIT Lab, room 132, Finlandsgade 28, 8200 Aarhus N



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If you have specific questions about pitching, you are welcome to contact Mia Louise Justesen, Student Entrepreneurship Program Manager: mlj@ase.au.dk / 20 76 61 89.

General questions may be addressed to Litte Dalsgaard, ORBIT Lab Community Manager: litte@ase.au.dk / 93 52 14 47.

This event is part of the EU project “Entreprenørskab i Uddannelserne” (Entrepreneurship in Education).