
IDA event in ORBIT Lab, Consibio’s plug-and-play solution for automation – April 11th, 2019

A platform for plug-and-play automation in the chemical and biological industry

One of the main drivers in the Industry 4.0 movement is the ambition of automating and monitoring everything. However, a lot of companies are experiencing significant barriers in achieving this ambition – both when it comes to competencies and finances. The three biotechnology and chemistry engineering students Johan Egsgaard Thomsen, Søren Jessen Kjær and Emil Jakobsen have founded their startup, Consibio, on the basis of a desire to help companies achieve this ambition. Their platform, Monesco, is designed to monitor biological processes. Hear about their journey and their experiences of developing a plug-and-play solution for a complex field.

17.00: Consibio
18.05: Sandwiches and networking – followed by a tour of ORBIT Lab

This event will be held in Danish.

This event is open to all and free for students and members of IDA. If you are not a student or a member of IDA, there is a small fee of 50 DKR to participate. Please note, there is a 100 DKR no-show fee, so please make sure to let IDA know if you can’t make it after all.

Sign up via IDA’s website.