March 30th
Finlandsgade 20, 8200 Aarhus N
A Corporate Metaverse – Industrial Applications of XR Technologies
The term “Metaverse” has been on everyone’s lips – especially fuelled by the re-branding of Facebook to Meta in the second half of 2021. But what is the Metaverse? Terms like Web3, NFTs and digital economy, decentralized digital identity and XR are thrown around by so-called experts with little to no context. But what is truly happening within this space? Since Stephenson originally coined the term in the fictional novel “Snow crash” back in 1992, technology has changed enormously, so what is the state in 2023?
In this talk, we will present a part of the Metaverse that we call the “Corporate Metaverse”. We will explain how we utilize XR technology to bring great value to companies today, while we all wait for the true vision of the Metaverse to become a commodity. We will explain on which design principles we have built our enterprise XR platform called SynergyXR, and you will of course be invited to try out SynergyXR on some of the different hardware platforms we support. Hopefully, you will walk away from this talk with a very concrete example of what Metaverse technologies can be used for to bring value to companies already today.
16:00: Doors open
16:15: The corporate Metaverse, Sune Wolff
17:15: Break
17:30: Filling the Metaverse with content, Jesper Gaarsdal
18:15: Joint Q&A session
18.30: Food and drinks courtesy of SynergyXR, followed by networking
Sune Wolff
Sune holds a PhD in computer science and has a background in research within the field of modeling and simulation and model-based algorithm development in the military domain. Today, he is CTO and Co-founder of SynergyXR, as well as acting Chief Product Officer defining the technical roadmap of SynergyXR and driving the development of the product.
Jesper Gaarsdal
Jesper is an Industrial PhD Student employed by SynergyXR and supervised by Professor Claus Brøndgaard Madsen from AAU and Sune Wolff. His research is centered around animation authoring in VR. This includes fully automated exploded view animation generation, human-in-the-loop adjustments to these animations, as well as fully user-generated animations based on motion paths.
This event will be in English.
This event is free and open to anyone with an interest in the topic.
ORBIT Event Space: Finlandsgade 20 (building 5122), 8200 Aarhus N. Follow the black building down along the side and you will find the ORBIT Event Space. There will also be signs to guide you. Still in doubt, let Nichlaes show you the way.