15. November
Finlandsgade 20, 8200 Aarhus N
Have you ever been curious about the magic behind today’s sleek user interfaces? Much of it is powered by QML! Join us on a journey to uncover the origins of QML and its revolutionary impact on UI development. We will showcase examples illuminating its capabilities and delve into the synergy between QML and C++. This combination streamlines and amplifies app development. Additionally, we will dive into the realm of D-Bus and its flawless integration with Qt applications.
This event will give you a solid grasp of QML and why it is a big deal. You will get insights on how to mesh it with C++ so you’re ready to create show-stopping apps. You will know how D-Bus works, how easy it is to use D-Bus in Qt Applications and have an idea of how to implement D-Bus communication with Qt Applications.
About C++ and Aarhus C++ User Group
C++ is a modern programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup.
Today, C++ is mainly used in computer game development, IoT, embedded systems, high-performance computing, neural networks, and other areas where a powerful language with high performance and flexibility is required. The language is strongly typed and supports the three programming paradigms: structural, object-oriented, and functional.
Behind the Aarhus C++ User Group is a group of C++ enthusiasts who love the language and its many applications. They work with it in various ways and contexts – some in academic settings and others in the industry. They all share the ambition of spreading knowledge of and enthusiasm for C++.
Subject to change.
16.15: Welcome and intro
16.25: Introduction to QML for Modern UI Development, Lukas Kosinski
17.00: BREAK
17.15: Get to know Qt D-Bus: Inter-process communication in a "cute" way, Mateusz Fejcher
18.00: Networking
Lukas Kosinski
After falling in love with the Qt framework, Lukas spent a few years developing his skills and working as a freelancer or contractor developer. He has experience working on cross-platform Qt projects for various industries such as health care, automotive, consumer electronics and defence.
Lukas describes himself as a specialist in QML development with solid expertise in C++. Despite being specialised in QML, he values features coming with Qt Widgets in the context of desktop UI development.
As a result of his passion for Qt development, he decided to found Scythe Studio – a Qt software services company.
Mateusz Fejcher
An adaptable and dedicated member of the Scythe Studio team, Mateusz has spent two years deeply involved in diverse Qt development projects. His work spans various industries, from health care to consumer electronics, showcasing his versatility in both QML and C++.
This event will be in English.
Everyone with an interest in C++ is welcome to this and other Aarhus C++ User Group Meetups.
ORBIT Event Space: Finlandsgade 20 (bygning 5122), 8200 Aarhus N. Follow the black building down along the parkinglot to find ORBIT Event Space. Also, check out this video where Nichlaes shows the way.
If you have any questions about this event, you are welcome to contact Litte Dalsgaard, ORBIT Lab Community Manager, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: litte@ece.au.dk.